Friday, July 5, 2024

Shopify (NYSE:SHOP) Trading 1.3% Higher

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Shopify Inc. ( NYSE:SHOP ⁘ Get Free Report ) (TSE:SHOP)'s stock price traded up 1.3% during mid-day trading on Wednesday . The stock traded as high as $67.22 and last traded at $66.93. 1,783,701 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 83% from the average session volume of 10,210,228 shares. The stock had previously closed at $66.06.

Shopify ( NYSE:SHOP ⁘ Get Free Report ) (TSE:SHOP) last released its earnings results on Wednesday, May 8th. The software maker reported $0.12 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $0.08 by $0.04. The business had revenue of $1.86 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $1.84 billion. Shopify had a positive return on equity of 7.36% and a negative net margin of 2.82%. As a group, equities research analysts predict that Shopify Inc. will post 0.61 EPS for the current year.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The 3 Step Ecommerce Development Playbook For Brands

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This content is produced by a publishing partner of Open Mic.

Open Mic is the self-publishing platform for the marketing industry, allowing members to publish news, opinion and insights on

The commerce space is vast and evolving fast. Digital smarts hold the keys to the kingdom. Brands need to evaluate, then re-evaluate how they optimize the value of their digital inventory, strategies and tactics. Mia Rodriguez (senior vice president, head of ecommerce, Kinesso Commerce) lays out a three-step framework for going up through the ecommerce gears.

The full commerce ecosystem is huge – so many routes to market, so many channels to engage customers, so many levers to impact performance and drive brand equity. And when it comes to developing their digital offer, every brand is in a different place, with different operational dynamics.

But successful navigation of this space is as vital as it is complex. In the US alone, ecommerce sales are predicted to exceed $1.7tn and touch 81% of the population by 2028 . At Kinesso Commerce we spend a lot of time helping brands develop powerful strategies to optimize their offers. We often adopt a three-stage developmental program to structure brands' progress to digital maturity based on the premise that before you can run, you must first learn how to crawl, then walk.

At this stage brands are looking to drive traffic to their commerce sites. They've done the basics, they're in pretty good shape organically, and they're starting to use demand-side platforms (DSPs) for paid media, as well as pursuing new merchandising activities.

But this is often where we see brands start to plateau. They need to look under the hood of their commerce operations and identify what's causing them to stall. Once again, data is your best friend. Re-audit your site pages, your PDPs, your brand stores, and your copy. Are there clues to products or pages that are converting with customers?

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2024

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Search Engine Journal - SEO, Search Marketing News and Tutorials

Google's Gary Illyes offers multiple reasons for crawled currently not indexed errors that will help fix this problem

Google's Gary Illyes highlights robots.txt file's error tolerance and unexpected features as it marks 30 years of aiding web crawling and SEO.

Discover which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.

Struggling to generate high-quality leads? This webinar recap offers expert insights to boost your lead gen efforts and supercharge your sales pipeline.

Reference: See here


Right now, the industry is dealing with the integration of generative AI and the impact this is going to have on user behaviour and how people search. Alongside the relentless updates that Google keeps throwing at us.

But, it⁘s not all catastrophic, there is a lot of opportunity ahead for those that can evolve to embrace the new.

To help marketers and brands thrive amidst uncertainty, I⁘ve outlined trends to focus on, guided by strategic insights and Yogi Berra⁘s timeless wisdom,

Digital marketers can no doubt relate to Yogi⁘s sentiment, acknowledging the challenge of what lies ahead.

Well, as Yogi once observed, ⁘If you don⁘t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.⁘

According to Spencer Stuart⁘s 2024 CMO Tenure Study , the average tenure of chief marketing officers (CMOs) at Fortune 500 companies in 2023 was 4.2 years .

The study also found the average tenure of CMOs at B2B companies was 4.5 years. It was 4.0 years for CMOs at B2C companies. And it was just 3.1 years at the consumer-heavy top 100 advertisers.

So, developing a digital marketing strategy that will generate above-average results within a couple of years is the key to keeping your job as the CMO of a big brand.

And if you don⁘t master the art and science of creating a digital marketing strategy that generates business outcomes, then you won⁘t land one of the CMO jobs that turn over each year.