Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Stealth Shopping" Could Be Putting Your Finances And Relationship At Risk — Here's What Experts...

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Funflation . Slow shopping . Loud budgeting . We live in an age where there's a quippy term for seemingly every personal finance habit and trend.

While many of these phenomena affect us individually, others have a strong impact on the other people in our lives. An example of this is a rather insidious practice known as "stealth shopping."

To help stave off its negative effects, we asked a personal finance expert and a clinical psychologist to break down "stealth shopping" and share their advice for keeping it at bay.

"If you've ever bought items secretly and hid the purchase or lied about the cost of a purchase, then you've 'stealth shopped,' and it's more common than people might guess," Molly Burrets , a clinical psychologist and adjunct professor at the University of Southern California, told HuffPost.

Basically, stealth shopping is the act of concealing something you've bought from your significant other. This is different, of course, from buying gifts as a surprise or just purchasing items on your own and having autonomy over your bank account. Rather, it's intentional secrecy around bigger or recurrent purchases that affect your household.

"Stealth shopping often happens to avoid conflict about spending habits, or to spend without being judged by your partner," Burrets explained. "That judgment might be about the amount of money spent, the contents of what is purchased, or the frequency of purchases."

She noted that some people shop to relieve stress or get a dopamine boost, which can feel gratifying.

"While some people may joke about hiding purchases from their partners, the reality is that being secretive about money is never healthy for a relationship and can lead to more serious issues down the road from both a financial and romantic standpoint," said consumer finance and budgeting expert Andrea Woroch . "Stealth shopping may seem harmless in the moment, but it can be a sign of a bigger financial problem like compulsive shopping."

Friday, August 30, 2024

Barclays To Axe Bank Account Cashback Reward For Millions Of Customers Next Week

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A POPULAR high street bank is about to ditch a loyalty reward for millions of customers as part of its huge ⁘makeover⁘.

Barclays Blue Rewards customers have previously paid £5 per month in return for access to high-interest savings accounts and cashback.

But from September 4 - that's five days away - the bank is getting rid of it's £5 monthly loyalty reward.

Customers aren't happy about the change, with one expressing disappointment, saying: ⁘This felt like a real benefit as a Barclays customer and it's frustrating that it will now cost money .

⁘It's made me think that I could switch to a different bank that won't charge me to get those rates.⁘

However, Barclays said that after the change, Blue Rewards customers can receive fixed benefits worth up to £44 per month – an increase from £35.50 previously.

People can become a Blue Rewards member if they pay at least £800 into a designated account every month, in addition to a £5 fee.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lifelong Passion Becomes A Storefront Bakery In Watertown

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Unlike cooking, baking is a science. You can't take shortcuts or add little wrinkles and expect that cake, cookie or tart to come out of the oven ready for sale.

Cathy Karpinske, owner/operator of Cathy's Bakery, LLC in Watertown, knows baking science from decades of doing it at home. She brings an artist's mindset to her business, which opened in March.

"We're making lots of wedding cakes, lots of cupcakes and many cookies and peanut rolls, too," said Karpinske, who started baking when her five boys were young, as she did all their birthdays, and continued in several roles part-time before opening her shop this spring.

"We've been super busy," she said. "It's been great having this chance to do different things and show off a little. I sign my name to every baked good we sell, so it's been fun to dive in."

Karpinske, 65, is retired from a career with Walmart where she traveled widely, helping open new stores. She baked at Hy-Vee and at home, and she taught baking in a mall for a bit before going full-blast into baking in 2024. Her bakery's full name, Cathy's Cakes and Cream Cheese Cookies, is the tip of the delicious iceberg when it comes to baked goods.

"We try to do as much as we can, and we've added things like mini-donuts, NYC bagels, savory and sweet rolls — we're always looking to grow in what we do," she said. "Wedding cakes have become a big part of what we do — we have a bunch to get out this week for weddings coming up."

Artistry is something Karpinske loves. She enjoys crafting fondant figures and using creative frostings to make one-off treats you won't find anywhere else. The bakery loves the challenge that comes with recreating historic wedding cakes, too.

"People will bring a photo of their parents' cake from 50 years ago, and then we recreate it for their anniversary party," Karpinske said. "Those retro cakes are so fun, and we know they mean a lot to the whole family."

With all the hubbub of a business, Karpinske leans on Curt, her husband, who oversees key roles at the business, including their famous peanut rolls. You can't have the recipe, but these treats use a modified angel food cake base, a rich, sugary sauce and then finely chopped peanuts to make them an in-demand confection.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Shopify Taps Microsoft Executive Mikhail Parakhin As Its New CTO

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Canadian ecommerce giant Shopify is hiring former Microsoft executive Mikhail Parakhin as its new CTO.

According to his LinkedIn, Parakhin had been with Microsoft since 2019, most recently serving as CEO of advertising and web services, with previous experience as the president of its web experiences team and its corporate vice-president of technology.

In a statement, Shopify said Parakhin led Microsoft's artificial intelligence (AI) advancement by helping to build consumer and enterprise-facing products like Copilot. The company added that Parakhin is "one of the finest machine learning (ML) crafters on the planet" and said he will oversee its engineering and data organizations.

Parakhin has also previously served as the CTO of Russian ML-powered search engine company Yandex, where, according to Shopify's statement, he developed multiple search engines, cloud services, and digital assistants.

Shopify co-founder and CEO Tobi Lütke said he has "deeply admired" Parakhin for years and praised his "deep expertise" in AI and ML in a post on X . In his own post, Shopify president Harley Finkelstein said the hire was a "huge win" for Shopify's engineering and data teams, as well as merchants.

"Mikhail is exceptional when it comes to engineering, machine learning, search, and AI," Finkelstein said. "The impact of his work across the broader tech industry runs deep."

Parakhin stepped down from his leadership role at Microsoft, where he was working on Microsoft's search engine Bing, one week after the company appointed Google DeepMind alum Mustafa Suleyman as its AI chief and asked Parakhin to report to him, Bloomberg reported in March. Instead, Parakhin "decided to explore new roles" and was to report to Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott in the meantime, according to an internal memo acquired by The Verge .

Shopify's last CTO, Allan Leinwand, left the company for "personal reasons" in early 2023. At the time of Leinwand's departure, the company declined to share whether the company was looking for a new CTO and explained that Lütke was assuming leadership of the company's research and development division.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Global ECommerce Market Poised To Reach $11.4 Trillion By 2029, Driven By...

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BASINGSTOKE, England⁘(BUSINESS WIRE)⁘ #ecommercepaymentgateway ⁘A new study by Juniper Research , the foremost experts in fintech and payments markets, has found by 2029, the value of global eCommerce transactions will reach $11.4 trillion; up from $7 trillion in 2024. This substantial 63% growth will be driven by the adoption of eCommerce across emerging markets. In these regions, APMs (Alternative Payment Methods) will enable consumers in non-card-centric markets to purchase online for the first time.

APMs are any cashless and cardless way of transferring funds, such as digital wallets and account-to-account payments.

The research forecasts by 2029, 360 billion eCommerce transactions will be made using APMs; constituting 69% of global eCommerce transactions. As APMs make eCommerce payments more inclusive, unbanked consumers in emerging markets will shift their purchasing habits online. This shift will be complemented by increased investment in delivery ecosystems; making deliveries more viable and increasing eCommerce⁘s value proposition.

Research author Lorien Carter commented: ⁘Alternative payment options have grown substantially, with APM transaction volumes leapfrogging cards in emerging markets. As merchants look to attract new users and geographies, they must consider offering APMs a key strategy to accomplish this.⁘

The new market research suite offers the most comprehensive assessment of the eCommerce payments market to date, providing analysis and forecasts of over 54,700 datapoints across 60 countries over five years. It includes a ⁘Competitor Leaderboard⁘ and examination of current and future market opportunities.

View the eCommerce Payments market research:

Download the free sample:

Monday, August 26, 2024

Bad Practices You May Accidentally Be Using In Your Mobile Marketing

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Smartphones' capabilities are increasing every year—and so is the amount of time people spend on them. In fact, the average person in the U.S spends about four and a half hours on their phone each day. With so much screen time, it's no surprise that marketers are so interested in optimizing their mobile marketing strategies to boost sales and gain new customers. But in their efforts to attract new customers, many marketers may actually be turning them away.

Whether it's messaging customers too often after a purchase, overusing notifications or simply not adding enough value, these bad practices can turn new and even existing customers off your brand for good. For better customer retention and sales, avoid this list of ineffective practices and mistakes, courtesy of Forbes Communications Council , when building out an improved mobile marketing strategy.

Direct messaging to customers is a practice that I believe is ineffective. Marketing on personal devices like mobile should be permission-based, with consent. Mobile marketing gets extended to social media support pages, in-app chat support, push notifications—across all customer touchpoints—so I highly recommend consent-based communication. - Namita Tiwari , Namita Tiwari

Avoid sending content just for the sake of staying in front of your audience. Each message should have a clear purpose, and sending something simply because it's been a while can have negative effects. Mobile marketing efforts should consist of a consistent, appropriate cadence and include only engaging, relevant content. This ensures your messages resonate well and maintain their impact. - Victoria Zelefsky , Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation

One ineffective mobile marketing strategy is overloading users with push notifications, which can lead customers to become annoyed and uninstall your app. Instead, brands should focus on personalized and relevant messaging, using data to send targeted notifications that provide real value to the user. This will enhance engagement and customer satisfaction. - Maria Alonso , Fortune 206

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Infosys Keen On Acquisitions In Data Analytics, SAAS Segments, Says CEO Salil Parekh

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In an interview to PTI, Infosys CEO Salil Parekh said the company is keen on acquisitions in areas like data analytics, SAAS, and may look at some geographies within Europe, and the US.

Asked if more acquisitions could be of the scale matching in-tech, which came with a price-tag of 450 million euros, Parekh said, "Absolutely, I think those would be the size that we will look at in terms of scale, and given our structure we could do a few of those."

Back in January, Infosys announced a definitive agreement to acquire 100 per cent of the equity share capital in In Semi Technology Services, a semiconductor design services company headquartered in India, for a consideration (including earn-outs, and management incentives and retention bonuses) totalling up to ₹ 280 crore.

In April, Infosys Germany, a wholly-owned step-down subsidiary, entered into a definitive agreement to acquire 100 per cent of the equity share capital in in-tech Holding -- leading provider of engineering R⁘D services headquartered in Germany -- for a consideration of up to 450 million euros (about ₹ 4,045 crore).

Infosys is eyeing more acquisitions, he said, adding that the company is evaluating several firms.

Parekh, however, said a lot depends on strategic synergies, financial cost, cultural fit and integration aspects.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Tingit Is Building A Marketplace For 'Zero-effort' Repairs

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Do you have a much-loved jacket with a torn sleeve or pair of grubby kicks gathering dust at the back of your closet? Tingit , a startup out of Lithuania, wants to help people restore their used clothing to its former glory with its newly launched repairs marketplace.

The platform lets you use your phone to snap and upload a quick video of distressed items to get a quote for repair or restoration. If you're happy with the quote, you can pay through Tingit's app and then mail your stuff to the chosen repair shop. After that it's just a case of waiting for a few days or weeks. No need to trawl through back alleys for specialist restorers and wrangle unfriendly shop schedules. The platform takes all the slack.

There's just one catch for now: Tingit is only available in Lithuania, where the Vilnius-based startup debuted the service in February. However, the startup has just raised a €500,000 pre-seed funding round to keep scaling the business, and CEO and co-founder Indrė Viltrakytė says it has its sights on expanding into other markets in Europe. That will likely happen later next year when the company will be looking to raise a seed round.

Lithuania is home to fashion reuse marketplace giant Vinted , so the country's entrepreneurs have pedigree in this area. Tingit is another pure marketplace play, but it aims to connect people who own damaged/distressed fashion items with businesses that can repair them.

⁘I grew up with the people who started Vinted. So watching the company go from a small, local shop to this global huge marketplace was really, really inspiring,⁘ Viltrakytė told TechCrunch. ⁘I do hope that we can achieve something similar with repairs, and find synergies with companies that already work on the sustainability front.⁘

Viltrakytė came up with the idea for Tingit after working in fashion for years and growing frustrated by the industry's problems with sustainability and overconsumption. This isn't her first experience as a tech entrepreneur, either: She worked for three years with Vinted co-founder Justas Janauskas on a social media startup for teenagers that saw some traction locally before they shut it down. She has also dabbled in digital fashion and crypto/web3.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

18M Series A To Build On Its Real-time Shopping App⁘s Success

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Live-shopping has grown into a massive sector in Asia, but the phenomenon is yet to see similar uptake in Western markets. But two tech founders are hoping the growth-hacking skills they learned at Revolt will power up their startup in the U.K. live-shopping arena, and now they have the confidence of major investors.

That confidence is coming as an $18 million Series A funding round, led by Balderton Capital, for U.K.-based live-shopping startup Tilt . And it seems to be backed up by decent traction: The company claims to have garnered more than half-a-million users since it was launched early last year.

Founded by two early ex-Revolut employees, Neil Shah and Abhi Thanendran, Tilt says its success has been the result of its focus on live sales of fashion items.

Live e-commerce sales have become a phenomenon because of the addictive nature of watching someone sell in real-time, creating the appearance (at least) of an authentic and fun environment. This contrasts with the traditional online shopping experience, which can feel static, by comparison, and indeed is.

Livestreamed e-commerce shopping in China is expected to grow 25% to $703.27 billion this year. Indeed, McKinsey predicts that 10% to 20% of all e-commerce will take the form of livestreamed shopping by 2026. And it's estimated half of China's internet users participated in a live-selling event last year.

However, in the U.S., only around 35% of respondents to a survey said they'd purchased something from a livestreamed event — and in the U.K. that figure is even worse, at only 25%.

Over a call, Tilt's CEO and co-founder, Thanendran, told TechCrunch that while there have been attempts to copy-paste live-shopping apps from China in the West, most have not taken off. ⁘The more important thing is finding the right market to create that experience,⁘ he said.

⁘You have to think about who's the right age group or niche of consumers. Our approach has been to target Gen Z. They're very used to these unique apps and experiences from online gaming and watching Twitch streams. We've chosen to go with fashion, and I think we've cracked the code here,⁘ he added.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

5 Proven Strategies For Retaining Your Best Customers

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Excellent customer service is not merely a function of responding to inquiries or resolving issues; it embodies a comprehensive approach that ensures every interaction with your brand is memorable and meaningful. Legacy brands like Ritz-Carlton and Rolls-Royce exemplify this principle, having mastered the art of delivering a white-glove experience that fosters loyalty and trust.

Moreover, we have built a robust network of partners that enables us to deploy third-party experts on-site when specialized knowledge is required. This ecosystem not only enhances our services but also reinforces our commitment to delivering exceptional value to our clients.

For instance, I've seen firsthand how personalized emails — those that reference past purchases or suggest products aligned with a customer's interests — can lead to higher conversion rates. At tec5USA, we leverage customer data to create targeted communications. This means using insights from previous interactions to craft messages that resonate with each customer.

Implementing customer retention and incentive programs can be highly effective across various sectors, also in industries with CAPEX equipment such as in chemical, oil and gas, food, feed and beverage, and pharma and biotech factories.

Implement a system that tracks customer inquiries to ensure no question goes unanswered and issues are addressed swiftly. Additionally, training our team to handle complaints with empathy and efficiency reinforces dedication to customer care.

Many businesses use online surveys to efficiently collect feedback — and with good reason. These are convenient platforms where customers can share their thoughts and experiences. Analyzing the data from these surveys often reveals valuable trends and highlights areas where improvements can be made.

Incorporating social proof not only boosts credibility but also addresses common concerns that potential buyers may have.

Building strong relationships with customers is essential for long-term success. When we focus on understanding their needs and preferences, we create an environment where they feel valued and appreciated. Engaging with clients through personalized communication and actively seeking their feedback fosters trust and loyalty.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

'Fortnite' Publisher Debuts Mobile Storefront After Years In Court

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Epic Games Inc. is launching a new mobile storefront Friday after four years of legal wrangling with Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.'s Google over their app store practices.

Chief Executive Tim Sweeney expects Epic Games' mobile versions of the popular titles "Fortnite," "Rocket League" and "Fall Guys" to draw in gamers on Android devices worldwide and iOS products in the European Union. By the end of the year, the company wants to attract 100 million new installs on mobile devices, which are responsible for half of the $188-billion games market.

In a news conference, Sweeney cited major challenges to that goal, including an installation process on iOS devices that he said was designed to discourage users.

"Once you go through the 15 horrible steps to get the store on your device, it works really nicely," he said of the process confronting users.

Epic Games has spent "hundreds of millions of dollars" battling Apple and Google over their app store practices, Sweeney said. The tech giants charge companies up to a 30% fee on sales and make it tough for consumers to access and download apps from alternative stores. Sweeney said it's "worth paying for freedom," adding that the "entire games industry is in a suppressed state compared to what it would be if there was free and open competition among stores."

Recent regulatory moves in the EU are opening up the app store market. But in conversations with other game companies, Epic Games store head Steve Allison said companies offering their apps outside the Apple universe are worried about so-called friction — cumbersome steps to complete a transaction — citing recent moves by that company.

"We are confident that over time we will get these things eradicated," Allison said, "but we don't know if it's going to be two months or two years or longer."

Mobile had been the fastest-growing segment in gaming, but worldwide downloads in the second quarter were down 6% from a year earlier to the lowest level since before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an August report from SensorTower.

Monday, August 19, 2024

An Investor's Look At Toast And Shopify

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Shopify 's impressive profitability and what could put a damper on the e-commerce platform's growth story.

Consider when Nvidia made this list on April 15, 2005... if you invested $1,000 at the time of our recommendation, you'd have $763,374 !*

Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service has more than quadrupled the return of S⁘P 500 since 2002*.

Ricky Mulvey: I'm going to ask you that question a second time because, the market's been a little nuts this week, and Mary and Asit are going to talk about mindset later in the show. How are you right now as an investor? How's this past week been for you?

Tim Beyers: This is the market that is great for me. I know it's not good for a lot of people, and I will not dismiss that, Ricky. But for me, this is when I am at my absolute best as an investor. I get nervous and anxious when the market is going up into the right for reasons that I cannot explain. When we have irrational sell offs, I'm great, man. I've bought two stocks, new positions this week, which I can't talk about because of our disclosure rules. You can ask me about that another time, maybe next week. This is when I am at my absolute best. I love it when the market decides to do full Kermit and run around with its hands in the air and just cannot figure out which way is up.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Instacart Offer Deals To Sweeten July Ecommerce Sales

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Huge delivery discounts by retailers including Walmart and Instacart helped boost grocery ecommerce sales in July.

The total U.S. online grocery market ended the month with $7.9 billion in sales, which is a 9.2% increase year over year, according to the latest data from the Brick Meets Click/Mercatus Grocery Shopper Survey.

Delivery sales backed by deals played a major role as Walmart promoted a 50% discount on its Walmart+ membership in mid-July that cut the annual fee to $49 and Instacart ran with an 80% discount on its annual membership.

As a result, delivery sales surged 22% in July. Ship-to-home climbed 6% with pickup holding steady year over year.

Both grocers and mass retailers saw year-over-year increases in monthly active users (MAU) in July. Grocer's base grew twice as fast as last year, up about 7%, and mass retailers posted close to an 8% increase. Delivery MAU expanded by more than 10% versus last year and ship-to-home expanded by almost 4%. The MAU for pickup dropped slightly (less than 2%).

"Intense competition in grocery delivery promotions is eroding regional grocers' control over customer interactions," said Mark Fairhurst, chief growth officer at Mercatus. "While third-party marketplaces may boost short-term order volume gains, they also make it harder for grocery retailers to achieve the economies of scale needed to reduce operating costs."

Saturday, August 17, 2024

12 Predictions On Emerging Ways To Leverage AI In Influencer Marketing

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* "AI-Powered Chatbots Revolutionize Customer Service in Remote Work Era" (Source: Adweek) * "E-commerce Giant Alibaba Unveils AI-Driven Supply Chain Optimization" (Source: Bloomberg) * "Coca-Cola's 'Taste the Feeling' Campaign Wins Big at Cannes Lions" (Source: Ad Age) * "Facebook's New Augmented Reality Ad Format Boosts Engagement" (Source: The Verge) * "Nike's 'Dream Crazier' Campaign Features Real Women in New Era of Marketing" (Source: Forbes) * "Walmart's E-commerce Investments Pay Off with 11% Sales Growth" (Source: CNBC) * "Google's ' Measurement Partners' Initiative Makes Data-Driven Marketing Easier" (Source: AdExchanger) I hope you find these points informative and entertaining!


Marketers today have an abundance of AI-powered tools at their fingertips to help them ideate, build and enhance influencer marketing campaigns. Combined with a strong understanding of an organization's goals and a solid strategy, these systems can help identify ideal collaborators, analyze content performance and even generate personalized messaging.

Below, members of Forbes Agency Council share their predictions on how AI is going to help marketing teams work more efficiently and create more impactful partnerships with social media personalities in the near future. Read on to learn about ideas for integrating AI into influencer marketing efforts to facilitate more effective and successful partnerships and campaigns.

AI-generated "influencers" and "spokespeople" will be all the rage, and it will eliminate many jobs for micro-influencers. However, I predict that this will make real influencers with trust-based audiences even more important, as audiences will grow wary of AI gimmicks. Brands should foster these real connections. AI will also help to elevate the quality of content from real influencers. - Kami Watson Huyse , Zoetica

Brands can capitalize on AI-powered virtual influencers by partnering with existing virtual influencers, creating their own AI-driven brand ambassadors and using AI to optimize influencer selection and campaign performance. This will allow for 24/7 engagement, precise brand control and data-driven decision-making in influencer collaborations. - Alex Yastrebenetsky , InfoTrust

Friday, August 16, 2024

AI-Driven Workforce Analytics Can Turn Data Into Actionable Insights

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* "AI-Powered Virtual Assistants Revolutionize Healthcare" (The Verge, 2023): Leading healthcare providers are leveraging AI-powered virtual assistants to streamline patient care and improve diagnosis accuracy. * "GDP-Busting Electrical Grid Upgrade Saves US Cities Millions" (The New York Times, 2023): Mayor-led initiatives to modernize electrical grids are yielding significant cost savings and reduced carbon emissions. * "Revolutionary 3D Printing Technology Produces Affordable Housing" (The Guardian, 2023): Sustainable housing solutions are being created through innovative 3D printing techniques, addressing the global housing crisis. * "White-Collar Workers Face Rising Cybersecurity Threats" (Financial Times, 2023): As remote work increases... experts warn of growing liabilities for organizations failing to secure employee data and networks. * "Carbon Capture Tech Boosts Natural Gas Industry Efficiency" (Reuter's, 2023): New carbon capture and utilization technologies are driving profitability and sustainability in the natural gas sector. * "AI-Driven Supply Chain Optimization Cuts Logistics Costs by 20%" (Bloomberg, 2023): AI-powered logistics solutions are transforming global supply chains, "improving efficiency," "and reducing costs." Note: These bullet points are based on real news headlines... but some information might have changed since the publication date.


Dr. Shay David is co-founder and CEO of , an AI talent intelligence platform that uses skills to help hire faster ⁘ retain longer.

Over the last few years, I've witnessed firsthand the advent of AI-driven workforce analytics and how it's revolutionized the HR industry. These technologies empower HR professionals to transform vast amounts of data into actionable insights that significantly enhance decision-making and strategic planning.

By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, your team can gain deep insights into various aspects of the organization's workforce, from performance and productivity to employee engagement and turnover rates.

AI technologies help mitigate the guesswork and biases that can plague HR decisions, ensuring that your strategies are based on solid evidence. With the right tools, you can instill more effective, equitable practices that ultimately drive better business outcomes.

AI-driven workforce analytics can generate a wide range of metrics and insights that are crucial for effective HR management. Here are some key areas to include.

1. Performance Trends: Performance data helps you identify trends and patterns, and AI analytics may notice things that your team overlooks. This includes recognizing high-performing employees who are ready for promotion or identifying areas where additional training might be needed.

2. Employee Satisfaction And Engagement: With AI tools, you can more quickly analyze employee feedback from surveys, social media and other sources to gauge overall satisfaction and engagement levels. These insights give you a better understanding of what motivates employees or what might be causing dissatisfaction. Then you can make informed improvements to workplace culture and policies.

3. Skills Gap Analysis: AI can assess the current skills within your organization and compare them to the skills needed for future projects or roles. This is crucial for identifying gaps and planning targeted upskilling or reskilling initiatives.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

DTC Vs. Marketplace: How To Choose The Right Channel Strategy

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Leverage Technology for Competitive Advantage": * "Embracing AI for Competitive Advantage: Companies That Fail to Adopt AI Risk Being Left Behind" (Source: Forbes) - The article highlights the significance of adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace. * "Walmart Leads Retailers in E-commerce Growth with Focus on Digital Transformation" (Source: Bloomberg) - The news highlights Walmart's success in staying competitive by prioritizing digital transformation and e-commerce growth. * "Amazon's Acquisition of Whole Foods Market Set to Change the Retail Landscape" (Source: CNBC) - This article discusses the implications of Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods Market... solidifying its position in the competitive retail market. * "Asia's E-commerce Boom Powers Online Shopping Growth" (Source: The New York Times) - This article reports on the rapid growth of e-commerce in Asia, "fueled by the adoption of digital technologies and increased consumer demand." * "Google's Cloud Computing Service Promises to Revolutionize the Way Businesses Operate" (Source: CNN) - The article highlights Google's Cloud Computing service, potentially disrupting traditional business models and enabling companies to operate more efficiently. * "China's Internet Giants Expand Global Reach with Mobile Payments" (Source: The Wall Street Journal) - This article discusses the expanding global reach of Chinese tech giants... driven by the popularity of mobile payments and digital wallets. * "Data-Driven Marketing Strategies Boost Customer Engagement and Conversion Rates" (Source: Harvard Business Review) - The article emphasizes the importance of data-driven marketing strategies in driving customer engagement and conversion rates, "as companies strive to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace."


Rytis Lauris is the cofounder and CEO of Omnisend , a marketing automation platform built for e-commerce.

Today's online retailers face an important decision: which channels they should sell on. Should they only sell direct-to-consumer (DTC) via their website, rely on established marketplaces like Amazon or adopt a hybrid approach?

Though each channel offers pros and cons, what makes the decision more difficult is the emergence and unpredictability of other channels. Some social media companies have launched ecommerce capabilities, like TikTok Shops, but they also come with the unpredictability of regulatory bans , making it harder for brands to know which channels are worth investing in.

Choosing the right channel strategy can be the key to running and growing a successful online business. Drawing from my experience working with ecommerce marketing platforms, here are pros and cons to consider when deciding on the appropriate channel for your products.

• Complete Brand Control: When selling on a branded website, you control how your brand is presented, your messaging and your customer experience.

• Increased Margins: By eliminating middlemen, like Amazon, you can earn higher profit margins, which can make this strategy especially appealing.

• Building Customer Relationships: Because you control the experience and customer data, you can use personalized marketing, such as email and SMS, to foster stronger, direct relationships with customers, helping to increase brand affinity and loyalty.

• Marketing Costs: Investment is typically required to increase web traffic and customer acquisition.

• Operational Costs: The costs of maintaining a website, ecommerce and marketing platforms, inventory and shipping and logistics can quickly add up.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How Generative AI Is Shaping The Future Of Shopping

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The cross-industry integration of generative artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way consumers shop. From personalized chatbots enhancing customer interactions to innovative idea generation for marketing campaigns, generative AI is transforming retail by disrupting it. The future of shopping is changing, not only through consumer experiences but also business practices.

AI styling is a newer retail use case for generative AI that offers both a business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) application, transforming how retailers curate personalized fashion recommendations and engage with their customers. In essence, AI Styling refers to the use of AI algorithms to provide personalized fashion recommendations to customers in the retail industry.

While the prospect of venturing into the retail Gen AI space may seem daunting for entrepreneurs and businesses, data shows that the time to embrace generative artificial intelligence (AI) in retail strategy is now; According to a 2024 Nvidia study, AI adoption resulted in a boosted annual revenue for 69% of retailers surveyed while 72% saw a significant decrease in operating costs . Further, Fortune Business Insights predicts substantial growth for global AI in the retail market, forecasting a market size of $85.07 billion by 2032. These statistics underscore the impact AI can have on the retail landscape

Integrating AI styling into one's business operations can be simplified through a strategic approach. Here are 7 actionable steps to seamlessly incorporate AI styling into your business model.

One might choose a B2C approach over B2B in order to directly engage with consumers, and offer personalized solutions, fostering strong brand loyalty. Conversely, B2B provides potential for larger contracts and scalable revenue opportunities, catering to industry-specific needs with specialized expertise. Brands like Aiuta AI Stylist offer both B2B and B2C services using AI solutions.


Monday, August 12, 2024

How To Turn Social Media Followers Into Customers

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Turning social media followers into customers is challenging for brands. Because users often follow brands for entertainment or connection, not to make purchases, brands must find authentic ways to convert followers' curiosity into actual sales. Building trust and credibility with an online audience takes time and consistent engagement, as many social media users today are skeptical of overt sales pitches and prefer organic brand content aligned with their interests.

Moreover, the volume of competition on crowded social media platforms adds yet another obstacle, with countless brands and influencers vying for attention and inundating users with content and offers. Below, 18 members of Forbes Agency Council share smart ways to cut through the noise and provide value that motivates social media followers to give a brand a chance and become paying customers.

Converting social media followers into customers requires understanding your audience to create tailored personas, engaging content and effective engagement tactics. Use social listening for real-time engagement and partner with influencers to enhance reach. Offer exclusive promotions and clear calls to action to guide actions. Measure KPIs and adjust strategies to improve campaigns and drive revenue growth. - Aman Gupta , SPAG - A FINN Partners Company

To convert social media followers into customers, focus on establishing and building relationships. Identify and explore opportunities to give key insights to priority audiences when it makes sense. For example, do you or your brand have a unique point of view or expertise to share with audiences? As a lifelong mentor and mentee, this focus on relationships has been a cornerstone of my career. - Karen B. Moore , Moore


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Little Storefront Has Served Many Purposes

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This little storefront stood on the corner of Park Avenue and Napoleon Street in Fremont before 1914. Directories list it as the Musser Company, which made mattresses, and it also was the home of the German Aid Society. The Knights of Columbus building occupied this corner by the 1920s, and it looks much the same today a century later. Several businesses have been in the old lodge hall, and a new restaurant specializing in serving chunk chicken lunches has recently opened there. (Submitted by Larry Michaels and Krista Michaels)

This article originally appeared on Fremont News-Messenger: History Spotlight: Park Avenue store still serving community

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Big Players In Grocery Ecommerce

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What does it take to be great at grocery ecommerce ? While big guns like Walmart and Target lead the way in delivery and curbside pickup, other retailers, including Albertsons, Food Lion, and H-E-B, are also performing well in certain areas of online grocery, according to a report from Ipsos. Albertsons, for instance, was named as a "Brand to Watch" in a recent Ipsos ecommerce report, which cited improvements for the retailer in both delivery and curbside pickup. Albertsons was also among the top performers in multiple areas of the report, with the most critical performance piece being customers' indication that they would use the retailer's service again.

In other online grocery news, Instacart unveiled a semi-surprising partnership with Uber Eats in May. "In general, the arrangement creates a new source of revenue, with high margins, for Instacart while it exposes Uber Eats in theory to a larger customer pool," David Bishop, partner at Brick Meets Click, told Supermarket News. So what does the partnership mean for grocers? Well, it could lead more food retailers to consider working with existing restaurant delivery networks.

Uber Eats first started offering grocery delivery in July 2020, when demand for grocery ecommerce was at its height during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has continued to promote the service even though it faces strong competition, not only from companies like Instacart and Shipt, but also DoorDash, which recently said its grocery-delivery business has doubled in the past year. Food for thought.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

AI, Authenticity And Proving Marketing's Value

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* "Advertisers Spend Record $147 Billion on Digital Ads in 2022" (USA Today, 2022) Highlighting the growing demand for digital marketing. * " Research reveals 70% of consumers prefer businesses that use AI-powered customer service" (The Drum, 2022) Emphasizing the importance of innovative customer engagement. * "Top brands are prioritizing authenticity in their marketing strategies" (Forbes, 2022) Illustrating the rise of authenticity-oriented marketing. * "Personalization ___ the key to successful marketing, with 85% of consumers saying that personalization influences their purchase decisions" (Marketing Week, 2022) showcasing the significance of tailored marketing approaches. * "85% of companies are using social media advertising, with Facebook and Instagram being the most popular platforms" (Hootsuite... 2022) demonstrating the widespread adoption of social media marketing. * " The average person is exposed to over 4,000 ads per day, highlighting the importance of standing out in a crowded marketplace" (AdWeek, 2022) emphasizing the need for effective marketing strategies. * " Brands are increasingly relying on user-generated content to build trust and increase engagement" (AdAge, 2022) highlighting the value of community-driven marketing. * " Video content is consistently being prioritized by marketers, with 96% of businesses using video in their marketing strategies" (HubSpot... 2022) emphasizing the growing importance of visual storytelling. * " Authenticity proving marketing value, with 75% of consumers more likely to purchase from a brand that shares its values" (AdWeek, 2022) reinforcing the importance of authenticity in marketing.


Emily Ketchen | Chief Marketing Officer ⁘ VP, Intelligent Devices Group ⁘ International Markets at Lenovo | Global Marketing Executive.

Each year, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity attracts the best and brightest from advertising, marketing and media to celebrate the global trends fueling creativity in our industry. I was fortunate enough to attend Cannes Lions for the second year in a row and once again took away many valuable insights from my peers. Here are some of the topics and trends that stood out to me this year.

AI is here to stay—if used correctly. While there was trepidation around AI's role in marketing and advertising last year, this year it was evident that marketers are now seeing and using it as a tool to boost human creativity—rather than something we should fear. There is ample room for AI and creativity to co-exist, and even more opportunity to tap into this technology's potential.

One of the most talked-about campaigns at Cannes was an ad for French telecom company Orange. Its premise seemed simple: showcasing the elite skills of the French men's national football team. However, the catch was the footage was actually of the women's World Cup team and the agency, Marcel, had used AI to create deepfake images that replaced their faces with players from the men's team. This not only proved to be an innovative use case of AI in a campaign, which also brought awareness to gender bias in sports, but was awarded the Entertainment for Sport Grand Prix Cannes Lion.

Using AI to augment creativity aligns with our approach at Lenovo, which centers around transparency, education, open conversation and strategic experimentation. AI is not new for our company, and we're already incorporating AI into our devices, solutions, experiences and even our marketing campaigns like Work For Humankind.

However, as AI becomes commonplace, brands and marketers must be transparent and disclose when they're using AI in their marketing efforts. This will be essential in earning and retaining consumer trust going forward. Overall, it's great to see marketers across industries focusing on the ethics and implications of AI.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

From Cold Calls To Predictive Analytics: AI's Future In Sales

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With over two decades of leadership experience, Arnab Mishra is a seasoned software executive and CEO of Xactly Corporation .

In today's current economic state, companies face the challenge of accomplishing more with fewer resources, making it crucial for businesses to find new ways to become more efficient. A recent survey found that employees at software firms with access to generative AI tools increased their productivity by 14% . Used to reimagine operations, increase efficiency and achieve business goals, AI can redefine the future of work.

As the CEO of a sales performance software provider, I see the impact of AI every day, whether it be how my company innovates around new products and offerings or how we leverage AI internally to drive internal performance and efficiency. Even in the early stages of this new technology innovation, generative AI proves that it can dramatically improve the user experience and effectiveness of enterprise applications. Companies that lean into generative AI will benefit from an inevitable technology sea change that will lift human productivity.

In the sales industry, AI is revolutionizing sales software and enabling users to leverage vast amounts of data. This AI-driven technology can analyze performance metrics, communication patterns and sales methodologies to help sales professionals enhance their techniques and forecast accurately. When used strategically, AI can provide a competitive advantage to sales organizations by empowering professionals to work smarter and secure better results through the utilization of data-driven insights, automation and predictive analytics.

Seven in ten sales professionals agree that AI tools will make them more productive at work. AI can identify relevant patterns and trends, enabling executives to make better, informed decisions. By leveraging AI to analyze historical data and market trends, sales organizations can:

• Interpret data faster. AI will utilize performance data to extract information and deliver concise summaries so executives can make decisions faster.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Gaia Announces Official Launch Of Gaia Marketplace, World's Foremost Destination For Conscious Retreats And...

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Roll-out of Marketplace Offers Gaia-Exclusive and Curated Offerings, Including Transformative Journeys to Exotic Locations, Growth-Minded Courses and Training Programs, Expansive Events and Workshops, and Conscious Products

BOULDER, Colo., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gaia, Inc. (NASDAQ: GAIA) ("Gaia" and/or the "Company"), a conscious media and community company, today announced the official launch of Gaia Marketplace . Gaia Marketplace is an exclusive, first-of-its kind online retail experience designed to serve current and future community members with exclusively curated offerings and products that aim to empower the evolution of consciousness.

"Gaia is the world's premiere destination for transformational media, offering exclusive series and documentaries focused on spiritual growth, consciousness expansion, ancient history and more," said James Colquhoun, Gaia CEO. "As we usher in this new evolution of our platform it moves us further towards the Company's vision as a movement-driven community organization. With Marketplace, members can shop exclusive retreats and experiences, live events and meet-ups, courses and training programs plus hand curated products at member-only discounts."

Gaia's Marketplace offers a diverse range of experiences including exploring ancient civilizations in Egypt with Gaia's top talent as guides, engaging in transformational healing practices in Costa Rica, and awakening to one's highest potential through curated retreats with leading teachers. Marketplace also provides unmatched access to powerful courses and training programs whether someone is looking to deepen their healing knowledge, expand their yoga or meditation practice or explore the hidden knowledge of ancient astrological practices.


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Credit Card Users Get Mysterious Shopify-charge.Com Charges

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People worldwide report seeing mysterious $1 or $0 charges from appearing on their credit card bills, even when they did not attempt to purchase anything.

The charges have no rhyme or reason to them and are seen on physical and virtual credit cards of all types, including those from Discover, Monzo, Capital One, and other Visa cards. Some people report that charges were also attempted against older deactivated cards.

According to reports, the charges started approximately ten days ago, on July 21st, with the number of impacted people increasing as time passed.

Of more concern is that two people claimed to have received similar charges soon after creating a new virtual card at their bank.

If you have received any of these charges and have more information to share, please comment on this story, contact us via Signal at 646-961-3731, or email us at

As for the phone number, BleepingComputer's attempts to call it led to the debt collection firm Halsted Financial. BleepingComputer emailed the company to see if they were associated with the charges but has not received a reply yet.