Monday, August 12, 2024

How To Turn Social Media Followers Into Customers

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Turning social media followers into customers is challenging for brands. Because users often follow brands for entertainment or connection, not to make purchases, brands must find authentic ways to convert followers' curiosity into actual sales. Building trust and credibility with an online audience takes time and consistent engagement, as many social media users today are skeptical of overt sales pitches and prefer organic brand content aligned with their interests.

Moreover, the volume of competition on crowded social media platforms adds yet another obstacle, with countless brands and influencers vying for attention and inundating users with content and offers. Below, 18 members of Forbes Agency Council share smart ways to cut through the noise and provide value that motivates social media followers to give a brand a chance and become paying customers.

Converting social media followers into customers requires understanding your audience to create tailored personas, engaging content and effective engagement tactics. Use social listening for real-time engagement and partner with influencers to enhance reach. Offer exclusive promotions and clear calls to action to guide actions. Measure KPIs and adjust strategies to improve campaigns and drive revenue growth. - Aman Gupta , SPAG - A FINN Partners Company

To convert social media followers into customers, focus on establishing and building relationships. Identify and explore opportunities to give key insights to priority audiences when it makes sense. For example, do you or your brand have a unique point of view or expertise to share with audiences? As a lifelong mentor and mentee, this focus on relationships has been a cornerstone of my career. - Karen B. Moore , Moore


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