Thursday, August 1, 2024

Credit Card Users Get Mysterious Shopify-charge.Com Charges

Image More details: Found here

People worldwide report seeing mysterious $1 or $0 charges from appearing on their credit card bills, even when they did not attempt to purchase anything.

The charges have no rhyme or reason to them and are seen on physical and virtual credit cards of all types, including those from Discover, Monzo, Capital One, and other Visa cards. Some people report that charges were also attempted against older deactivated cards.

According to reports, the charges started approximately ten days ago, on July 21st, with the number of impacted people increasing as time passed.

Of more concern is that two people claimed to have received similar charges soon after creating a new virtual card at their bank.

If you have received any of these charges and have more information to share, please comment on this story, contact us via Signal at 646-961-3731, or email us at

As for the phone number, BleepingComputer's attempts to call it led to the debt collection firm Halsted Financial. BleepingComputer emailed the company to see if they were associated with the charges but has not received a reply yet.

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