Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Global ECommerce Market Poised To Reach $11.4 Trillion By 2029, Driven By...

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BASINGSTOKE, England⁘(BUSINESS WIRE)⁘ #ecommercepaymentgateway ⁘A new study by Juniper Research , the foremost experts in fintech and payments markets, has found by 2029, the value of global eCommerce transactions will reach $11.4 trillion; up from $7 trillion in 2024. This substantial 63% growth will be driven by the adoption of eCommerce across emerging markets. In these regions, APMs (Alternative Payment Methods) will enable consumers in non-card-centric markets to purchase online for the first time.

APMs are any cashless and cardless way of transferring funds, such as digital wallets and account-to-account payments.

The research forecasts by 2029, 360 billion eCommerce transactions will be made using APMs; constituting 69% of global eCommerce transactions. As APMs make eCommerce payments more inclusive, unbanked consumers in emerging markets will shift their purchasing habits online. This shift will be complemented by increased investment in delivery ecosystems; making deliveries more viable and increasing eCommerce⁘s value proposition.

Research author Lorien Carter commented: ⁘Alternative payment options have grown substantially, with APM transaction volumes leapfrogging cards in emerging markets. As merchants look to attract new users and geographies, they must consider offering APMs a key strategy to accomplish this.⁘

The new market research suite offers the most comprehensive assessment of the eCommerce payments market to date, providing analysis and forecasts of over 54,700 datapoints across 60 countries over five years. It includes a ⁘Competitor Leaderboard⁘ and examination of current and future market opportunities.

View the eCommerce Payments market research: https://www.juniperresearch.com/research/fintech-payments/ecommerce/ecommerce-payments-market-report/

Download the free sample: https://www.juniperresearch.com/resources/whitepapers/whitepapersthink-global-pay-local-the-future-of-ecommerce-payments/

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