Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Avoid Unexpected Credit Card Charges With My Ultimate Online Shopping Hack

Image Source: See here


Buying stuff online can be a risky proposition. Sure, the big vendors do their best to make you feel safe, but what if you have to give up your credit card digits to a vendor you don't know?

As it turns out, there's a type of financial instrument -- called a virtual card -- that can help. A virtual debit card can be turned on and off, spending limits can be set, and create unique card numbers created. ⁘

I use a service that enables me to limit how my card is charged without my express permission. Privacy.com lets me limit the amount that can be spent on any card I create, limit how many times a card can be used, and more.⁘

Let's discuss how to get started, how the process works, and the benefits you get from Privacy.com.

Those are your two funding source possibilities: a personal bank account or its associated debit card. Privacy -- at least the free version -- will not work with a business bank account. You'll be asked for a funding source when you first create your Privacy account. If you later want to change sources, go to the Account menu item under the little head icon in the upper-right corner of the page.

It's been a while, but I recall it taking a few days after I signed up for Privacy to fully enable my account. So, if you plan on using this service, don't wait until the last minute when you really need it.

As you can see, I have two Privacy cards set up. They are for two hosting providers I was reviewing, where I needed to provide a card number.⁘


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