Tuesday, June 4, 2024

NetSpring Launches Product And Customer Journey Analytics On The Snowflake AI Data Cloud

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NetSpring Product and Customer Journey Analytics to deliver better products and customer experiences , Powered by Snowflake

⁘Historically, product and customer analytics has been done in specialized systems that have their own siloed data stores, with copies of data disconnected from the central enterprise data warehouse. By building the next generation of such analytics platforms working directly on top of the Snowflake AI Data Cloud without any data silos, NetSpring is delivering enterprises massive gains in better cost, security, privacy, governance, and trustworthy analytics,⁘ said Vijay Ganesan, CEO, NetSpring.

Standardize on the AI Data Cloud to be the central source of truth for all data including product instrumentation events, avoiding the need to send data out of their secure Snowflake to external SaaS services.

Capture and store all raw event data in Snowflake in a cost-effective way. By leveraging the elastic compute capabilities of Snowflake, customers pay based on consumption, rather than paying by event volume in traditional systems.

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