Amazon on Wednesday launched a new e-commerce storefront to compete with Temu, the Chinese platform known for its super-cheap goods. Haul, which was only available on Amazon's app in a beta version, says it offers products at "crazy low" rates, including $2 phone cases, and a pillow set for $5.
The items are cheaper because they are imported directly from China, but they take longer to arrive than other goods sold on Amazon.
Utilities recognizing the need to produce more electricity, in part to satisfy demand from data centers, may keep coal-fired units in operation longer than anticipated. A lessening of environmental regulations […]
Exports of Italian menswear goods inched up 2.7 percent in the seven months ended July 31 — and, surprisingly given the sluggish scenario in China, exports to that country jumped 37.2 percent.
Nashville's direct flights to Iceland will start even sooner than initially planned. Icelandair moved up its BNA launch date Wednesday.
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Amazon is targeting retail rivals Shein, Temu and TikTok with a new deeply discounted storefront that sells a wide array of products for $20 or less.
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