Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Veritone AI-Powered Solutions For Public Sector Now Available In AWS Marketplace

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AI leader expands accessibility and reach of its award-winning AI solutions with AWS Marketplace listings

According to Gartner® Predicts 2024: Automation and Data Improve Justice and Public Safety (published January 30, 2024), ⁘CIOs leading public safety and justice organizations must: Prepare to respond to increased numbers of data-sharing requests by identifying and modeling decision processes used to approve data sharing between organizations. This should include the goal of using decision intelligence to automate many of these processes while ultimately keeping a human in the loop to maintain responsibility...⁘*

⁘By making our public sector solutions available in the AWS Marketplace, we are providing customers with greater flexibility and accessibility to deploy Veritone's cutting-edge technology directly within their AWS environments,⁘ said Jon Gacek, general manager, Public Sector, Veritone. ⁘This collaboration underscores our commitment to empowering government agencies and legal and education customers with AI-driven solutions that enhance productivity, streamline workflows, accelerate investigations and comply with regulations.⁘

The AWS Marketplace will now feature the following Veritone Public Sector solutions. Customers can also access these solutions on Veritone's recently launched iDEMS (Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System) platform, which is hosted on the AWS Criminal Justice Information System (⁘CJIS⁘)-compliant commercial cloud environment.

Veritone Investigate – Serves as the central evidence hub to store, manage, analyze, and share all digital evidence files. Connects to cloud-based and on-premise data sources, ingests any type of media file and leverages primary and advanced AI models to catalog and tag unstructured data within audio, video, and PDF evidence files, leading to actionable insights.

Veritone Redact – AI-powered automation that saves time and costs for the redaction of sensitive information within audio, video and image-based evidence.

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