Stanwood Approves First Storefront Improvement Grant of Year The Stanwood City Council has approved the first Storefront Improvement Grant of the year, totaling $10,000. This grant is part of the city's Economic Development Program, aimed at supporting local businesses and enhancing the city's commercial district.
The grant is available to businesses located within the downtown area, and can be used for various improvements such as façade renovations, signage, and landscaping.
The grant program was established in 2019 and has since provided funding for several businesses in the area. The goal is to improve the overall appearance of the commercial district, attract more customers, and promote economic growth.
The council has allocated $50,000 for the grant program this year, with the possibility of additional funding in the future.
Businesses interested in applying for the grant must submit a detailed proposal outlining their proposed improvements and how they will benefit the city. The proposal must also include a budget and timeline for the project.
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The grant is available to businesses located within the downtown area, and can be used for various improvements such as façade renovations, signage, and landscaping.
The grant program was established in 2019 and has since provided funding for several businesses in the area. The goal is to improve the overall appearance of the commercial district, attract more customers, and promote economic growth.
The council has allocated $50,000 for the grant program this year, with the possibility of additional funding in the future.
Businesses interested in applying for the grant must submit a detailed proposal outlining their proposed improvements and how they will benefit the city. The proposal must also include a budget and timeline for the project.
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