Friday, October 9, 2020

Experts: E-Commerce Spike Likely to Outlast COVID-19 Pandemic | Transport Topics

COVID-19 has accelerated the growth of e-commerce, a trajectory that could have significant implications for the trucking sector even after the pandemic passes.

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In the second quarter, at the height of the pandemic, e-commerce sales surged 44.5% to account for 16% of $1.31 trillion in total retail sales, the latest data from Department of Commerce shows. The total sales amount represents a 3.6% drop from a year ago as many businesses operated at limited capacity or completely ceased.

Publisher: Transport Topics
Date: 2020-10-09T17:45:00-04:00
Author: Connor D Wolf
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Covid quarter fails to derail Hodinkee as ecommerce sales expected to rise by over 20% this year

Hodinkee expects sales to rise 20-30% this calendar year, despite the economic damage inflicted by the covid quarter and its long shadow.

Eneuri Acosta (pictured top), chief operating officer for Hodinkee, says that its ecommerce business had already grown this year, and is expecting a spike in activity over the holiday season.

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“We have seen growth in traffic, growth in the number of brands we stock from around 12-14 at the beginning of the year to more than 25 today,” he reveals.

Publisher: WatchPro
Date: 2020-10-09T08:51:11 00:00
Twitter: @WatchPro
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Future of Shopping 2021: How Technology is Transforming eCommerce Industry |

How would you like to earn a portion of the five trillion dollars generated by e-Commerce? As per the developer stats, that’s how much revenue e-Commerce merchants around the world will likely be generating by 2021. 

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Online merchants who understand the global potential of eCommerce are all set to take their business across the globe. But to make the most of global e-commerce opportunities, merchants need to be aware of the significant changes affecting the online business.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

YouTube Tests Product Tags in Selected Creator Videos as Part of Larger Shift Towards eCommerce |

In a move that will come as little surprise to most industry watchers, YouTube is working on a new process which will enable creators to tag products displayed in their video clips, eventually leading to more direct shopping options on the video platform.

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This is not the first time YouTube has ventured into eCommerce. Back in 2018, YouTube added a merchandise 'shelf' for product tie-ins , which enables creators to showcase their branded products beneath their video clips.

Publisher: Social Media Today
Date: 2020-10-09
Author: Andrew Hutchinson
Twitter: @socialmedia2day
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

TA Digital Partners with Ecommerce Platform commercetools | MarTech Cube

Global digital transformation agency TA Digital today announced that it will be closely partnering with commercetools, the global leader in cloud-native, headless B2B and B2C commerce platforms.

commercetools is the world’s leading platform for next-generation ecommerce. The company invented a headless, API-first, multi-tenant SaaS commerce platform that is cloud-native and uses flexible microservices. commercetools software has been implemented by Fortune 500 companies across industries, from retail to manufacturing and from telecommunications to fashion.

Publisher: MarTech Cube
Date: 2020-10-07T19:00:39 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

E-Commerce In A War Zone: How One Start-Up Is Oiling The Wheels Of Business In Libya

When El Busefi first arrived, he took a job with local investment firm Lafico, but he has pursued a few of his own ventures too. "You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, particularly because Libya is such a volatile area at the moment," he says.

For a time El Busefi traded in luxury watches. He was also a camel merchant for a while, buying the beasts in the south of the country, transporting them up to the coast and selling them on to butchers in the capital Tripoli. "That was a very good business," he says. "Very challenging but extremely good business once you get into the swing of it."

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2020-10-09
Author: Dominic Dudley
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Holiday hiring starts in Reno-area e-commerce

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Reno area's growing importance as a distribution center for Internet retailers are likely to create a lot of temporary jobs this holiday season.

How many is a lot?  Just one company — Radial — said a couple of days ago it plans to hire 1,000 temporary workers to fill and ship holiday orders at its e-commerce fulfillment center at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center.

That's a lot of people, but the state Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation estimated late last month that 16,700 residents are currently looking for work in Washoe County — a figure that translates into a 7% unemployment rate. (In April, when pandemic-related layoffs peaked, the Washoe unemployment rate was 20.4%.)

Publisher: This Is Reno
Date: 2020-10-09T08:00:00-07:00
Twitter: @thisisreno
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Ecommerce Startups Failure: Reasons Explained | CustomerThink

Are you willing to be a part of the eCommerce industry? Well then you better be aware of the perks and woes of digitalizing your business. The eCommerce industry is growing rapidly witnessing global retail sales of approximately 3.53 trillion US dollars. Moreover setting up an online business is relatively easy that too for a small amount of money. But with failure rate of 90%, creating a successful eCommerce company is more challenging than business owners could imagine.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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