Thursday, December 10, 2020

The FTC wants Facebook and Instagram to break up - Marketplace

Publisher: Marketplace
Twitter: @Marketplace
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Incubator Program "Graduates" First Clean Energy Company into Marketplace | | SBU News

CEBIP is funded by the New York State Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA). In operation since October 2011, CEBIP provides assistance and resources for developers of renewable and clean-energy technologies.

The company created the TCHP system by developing a new thermodynamic cycle, the Hofbauer Cycle, to provide high efficiency heating, cooling and hot water into one machine for commercial and residential HVAC systems. The potential for ThermoLift's technology extends into industrial applications including refrigeration, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacture, cryogenics, liquefied natural gas and desalination.

Publisher: SBU News
Date: 2020-12-10T18:06:23Z
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Pandemic motherhood - This is Uncomfortable from Marketplace

When you’re a mom trying to work from home during the pandemic, the mute button is invaluable.

Tiarra Noblin was in a Zoom training for her new job a month into the pandemic when her 5-year-old, Na'el, launched into a tantrum. She wanted to go back to school, the change in routine was hard, and none of Noblin’s normal calming strategies were working. Then she heard her boss calling out from her laptop speakers.

The pandemic has been brutal on working moms . In September alone, nearly 900,000 women left the workforce , four times more than men. A third of working women age 25 to 44 who aren’t working said it was because of child care demands . The numbers are shocking, but behind them are real, human experiences. This week, we hear some of those stories. 

Publisher: Marketplace
Twitter: @Marketplace
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Most who work from home want to keep doing it, study finds - Marketplace

Jonathan Soon is in that majority of people who would like to keep working from home permanently. 

“At home, I have a window by where I work, so I can open it and get fresh air, or just look out the window,” he said.

There are no windows in the IT department where he works at a university in Southern California. He likes how quiet it is at home and not having to commute. 

Pew Research found that more than half of people whose jobs have allowed them to work from home during COVID-19 want to keep doing it all or most of the time. Another third say they'd like to at least some of the time. 

Publisher: Marketplace
Date: 2020-12-09T22:36:20-08:00
Twitter: @Marketplace
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

How extending unemployment benefits leads to a stronger recovery - Marketplace

Another 853,000 people filed for state unemployment benefits last week, marking the highest number of claims since September. More than 400,000 people also applied for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, a federal program that will expire Dec. 26.

Kai Ryssdal: So explain to us, would you, why extending unemployment benefits actually means that people who are without employment right now might wind up with a better job?

Ryssdal: Which all makes sense, but the ethos of unemployment in this country, at least on a surface level is — both for society and and also for the individual is — man, I got to get off unemployment soon, because I got to get a job ’cause holy cow, I need a job, right?

Publisher: Marketplace
Date: 2020-12-10T23:22:08-08:00
Twitter: @Marketplace
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What's better: real or fake Christmas trees? - Marketplace

We’ve been talking a lot about coronavirus vaccines on the show lately, and for good reason. But it’s also the holiday season, so for this Whadda Ya Wanna Know Wednesday, we’re tackling a perennial question: What’s better for the environment, real or fake Christmas trees? Plus, we’ll talk about solar power and bring in a ringer to talk about a certain logo Kai Ryssdal can’t stand. But first, yes, a little more about vaccines.

* * *

You asked for it, and we delivered: "Make Me Smart" is now coming to you five days a week, helping you make sense of what's happening every day.

Publisher: Marketplace
Twitter: @Marketplace
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Shop LC Marketplace Expands Its Reach to Canadian Market

"Selling on Amazon Canada represents our first move for entering the global market," explains Geetanjali Gupta , Head of Marketplace Shop LC. "We see a high potential customer base for jewelry, and we believe it will be a very successful move for Shop LC."

"There were some integration elements to overcome," says Geeta. "We connected with various carriers to ensure that our Canadian customers will receive timely delivery of orders. For this reason, we are partnering with DHL for delivery to this market."

Twitter: @Yahoo
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How one Georgia health care system is planning vaccine distribution - Marketplace

Health officials and advisory groups have warned that initial supplies of an approved COVID-19 vaccine will be scarce .

How are health care providers deciding which of their employees will get vaccinated in the initial rollout? “Marketplace Morning Report” host David Brancacccio put that question to Dr. Jonathan Lewin, CEO of Emory Healthcare, the largest health care provider for the state of Georgia.

David Brancaccio : So there you are, Georgia’s largest health care provider, you’re ready to start giving out some vaccines?

Publisher: Marketplace
Date: 2020-12-10T11:55:37-08:00
Twitter: @Marketplace
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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