Monday, August 17, 2020

How Digital Motors is bringing ecommerce to auto brands

(Bloomberg) It's not that car dealers don't want to sell online; it's just that most of them can't.

Digital Motors Corp. says it can do it for them. The Irvine, California-based startup has crafted a plug-and-play software package that essentially turns any old-fashioned car dealership into a Tesla-esque web store, no burnt coffee or test-drive required.

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The months since, Hinrichs said, have been a blur. We caught up with the founder to discuss how much COVID has accelerated digital car-shopping and why ecommerce for cars is still so far behind that of other industries.

Publisher: Digital Commerce 360
Date: 2020-08-17T15:19:23 00:00
Twitter: @DigitalComm360
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

How to prepare your e-commerce ad strategy for an uncertain Q4

This year has been one of the most uncertain and capricious years ever for eCommerce. As businesses look to recover from the early effects of COVID-19, eCommerce advertisers must ask, "what happens next?"

While signs point to a slow recovery of jobs and purchasing in Q4, there is also a chance the U.S. will see another shutdown later this year impacting the economy and eCommerce in a similar way to March and April. On top of this, Prime Day has likely moved from Q3 to Q4, creating unprecedented crossover with the holiday buying season.

Publisher: Search Engine Land
Date: 2020-08-17
Twitter: @sengineland
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What Do Businesses Need in an Ecommerce Platform Today?

Ecommerce platforms have seen a significant uptick in activity in recent months, even as non-essential retailers start to once again open their doors. Gartner found online sales for apparel, beauty products and department stores increased by nearly 10% while online grocery sales, previously accounting for 2% to 3% of sales, rose to 8% to 10% in April. 

"With the new demands of today's consumers comes significant pressure on digital platforms to deliver on those expectations," said Brian Wolfe, vice president of commerce, digital customer experience at Capgemini .

Twitter: @CMSWire
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Ecommerce Quarterly Q3: Tech platforms innovate as coronavirus fuels ecommerce –

A running theme in Econsultancy's Ecommerce Quarterly Q3 report is the acceleration of online shopping since the coronavirus pandemic began, and how tech platforms are introducing new features accordingly.

According to research, the proportion of online retail sales in the UK is estimated to increase by an additional £4.5 billion in 2020. As a result, platforms including Shopify, Pinterest, Google, and WhatsApp are tapping into the potential of ecommerce, launching new features and updates to align with recent growth.

Publisher: Econsultancy
Date: 2020-08-17T08:40:07 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Ecommerce: Will E-Pharmacies Become the Norm?

Much like telemedicine that allows patients to connect with world-class doctors from the comfort of their homes, the e-pharmacy industry has a number of advantages with convenience being at the very top of that list. According to the Mayo Clinic , convenience was the motivating factor for over 50 percent of people who used online pharmacies (44 percent of customers said a lower cost was their primary reason for choosing one). 

Publisher: Entrepreneur
Date: 2020-08-16T20:45:00Z
Author: Chris Porteous
Twitter: @Entrepreneur
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Practical tips to transition your ecommerce business in the second half of 2020 - ClickZ

In fact, most of the businesses were forced to go online, overnight, independent of their online experience. This was to ensure that the health and safety of their employees and their families weren’t compromised.

On the other hand, retailers with no online options in place, like clothing stores, saw sales fall by more than  50 percent .

Now, we are almost into the sixth month of the pandemic, and one of the sectors that seem to be showing significant growth, despite the health crises, are the brands with an ecommerce-first approach.

Publisher: ClickZ
Date: 2020-08-17T08:52:43 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Baozun - Future eCommerce Leader In China (NASDAQ:BZUN) | Seeking Alpha

Baozun makes selling online in China simple, offers end-to-end eCommerce services. The number of high-profile brands from the West consistently grow since IPO.

Chinese retail and e-Commerce markets are the largest in the world. Covid-19 has accelerated the eCommerce trend and should benefit Baozun tremendously.

Investors are not taking a lot of risks to participate in this growth story as the company is already profitable and cash generative. The balance sheet is also rock solid.

Publisher: Seeking Alpha
Date: 2020-08-17T13:57:52Z
Author: DTF Capital
Twitter: @SeekingAlpha
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Earnings roundup: Ecommerce is a bright spot for luxury apparel retailers

Luxury winter outerwear brand Canada Goose's revenue declined 63.2% to $26.1 million in its fiscal Q1 ended June 28, down from $71.1 million in Q1 2019. The Canadian-based brand's direct-to-consumer business, which includes its ecommerce operations and 22 stores, declined 70.1% to $10.4 million in the first quarter largely due to temporary store closures. The company said ecommerce sales were flat but did not provide more details.

Publisher: Digital Commerce 360
Date: 2020-08-17T18:05:58 00:00
Twitter: @DigitalComm360
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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