Monday, January 4, 2021

Ecommerce Boom Creates Army of Undertrained Yard Hostlers

The pandemic-fueled ecommerce boom, and its supporting network of warehouses and distribution centers, have swelled the demand for Hostlers who handle trailer movements in warehouse facilities. ATS's John Kearney explains the importance of better training for today's yard hostlers.

A yard jockey, Kearney explains, is a truck driver whose primary responsibility is moving loaded or unloaded trailers from one point to another while they are in a distribution center or other terminus. (Long-haul truckers, he notes, are governed by strict Department of Transportation limitations on the number of daily hours they spend behind the wheel, time more profitably spent on the road.) A yard hostler is a jockey whose duties may also include loading and unloading trailers.

Twitter: @Yahoo
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Quite a lot has been going on:

Success in ecommerce requires a strong brand, not just a smooth experience

There’s a lot written about the ‘customer experience’ in ecommerce. And it’s totally understandable – this stuff is still comparatively new for many brands, not to mention shoppers, and it can be very complicated. What’s more, ecommerce is seen as having to replicate some of the joy of shopping – not easy to do.

But in the recent avalanche of experience opinion pieces there is (forgive the mixed metaphor) an elephant in the room. Many retail brands aren’t strong enough to thrive online.

Publisher: Marketing Week
Date: 2021-01-04T07:03:18 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Jesse Willms on Making The Most Of The eCommerce Boom | Finance Magnates

If you're looking to make some serious online business that makes an impact, then it's hard to ignore the unbelievable opportunities that are available to us thanks to the amazing world of eCommerce.

As long as you have the skills, knowledge, and determination required, just about anyone can take a shot at building a multi-million dollar company.

Just ask Jesse Willms , who has leveraged the power of the internet to his benefit since the ripe old age of just 15 years old.

Publisher: Finance Magnates | Financial and business news
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Spryker Talks B2B eCommerce Evolution |

The digital migration of sales operations presents massive opportunities in efficiency and cost savings for B2B sellers like manufacturers and wholesalers, but the motivations for making the online shift haven't always been about driving the overall optimization of the enterprise.

But the industry is in the midst of major change in which B2B firms increasingly understand the top-line opportunities of embracing the eCommerce model.

Date: 2021-01-04T08:00:06-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Plastic Corrugated Packaging Market Expands Scope of Businesses in eCommerce Industry to Deliver

ALBANY, N.Y. , Jan. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A growing number of packaging companies are leaning on plastic corrugated packaging for meeting their customers' needs of sustainable solutions. The focus on reducing packaging waste on one hand spurs the popularity of plastic corrugated packaging since it is reusable. Further, industries prefer plastic corrugated packaging that is spill proof, offers high barrier protection, and more durable.

Over the years, more industries are joining the fray in adopting plastic corrugated packaging solutions. The demand in the plastic corrugated packaging has also gained momentum on the back of strides made by eCommerce sector and advances made in digital printing technologies.

Date: 9D28F7743C790DD88F2D9C7375EF7ED5
Author: Transparency Market Research
Twitter: @PRNewswire
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From Delivery to Curbside Pickup, E-Commerce Sales Up 49% Over Holiday - Times of San Diego

(Reuters) – U.S. retail sales rose 3% during this year’s expanded holiday shopping season, which began Oct. 11, according to a report by Mastercard Inc.

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U.S. e-commerce sales jumped 49% in this year’s holiday shopping season, according to Mastercard’s SpendingPulse report, underscoring the COVID-19 pandemic’s role in transforming shopping habits.

Holiday e-commerce sales made up 19.7% of total retail sales this year, the data showed. The report noted that options such as buying online with in-store pickups, and contactless technologies were key for retailers.

Publisher: Times of San Diego
Date: 2021-01-04T05:13:18 00:00
Twitter: @TimesofSanDiego
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Big Data Is Taking eCommerce by Storm. Here's Why You Can't Wait It Out - Business 2 Community

In today's world of eCommerce, data has become the ultimate commodity. The eCommerce sector produces oceans of data on customers' behavior and purchasing habits. But while some businesses have learned to cut through the tides of data, others are drowning. As data sets get bigger and more complex, traditional data processing tools become inefficient. If you want to stay ahead of the curve in eCommerce, big data is the name of the game.

Publisher: Business 2 Community
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

4 Powerful Ways to Get More Ecommerce Sales in 2021 - Business 2 Community

Business owners and marketing leaders worldwide are looking for new and exciting ways to get their audience interested in their products. We know that there are a ton of options out there, so it can get pretty overwhelming when you’re trying to find a marketing strategy that works for your business.

Our goal today is to show you several powerful ways you get more visitors and sales. Let’s start by looking at a quick way to build brand awareness, which is known to boost website traffic.

Publisher: Business 2 Community
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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