This may worth something:
Amazon's Third-Party Marketplace Is Its Cash Cow, Not AWS
"The Amazon seller is the most profitable customer of Amazon," says Jason Boyce, co-author of "The ... [+] Amazon Jungle." Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa (Photo by Rolf Vennenbernd/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Ever since Amazon's earnings call this past Tuesday, the business world has been abuzz with one Amazon story and one story alone: Jeff Bezos is stepping aside as CEO and transitioning to the new role of Executive Chair. That bombshell news completely overshadowed the company's impressive performance in fourth quarter and for the year ending December 31, 2020.
Microsoft's GitHub slashes Marketplace transaction fee from 25% to 5% | Business Insider India
Is an $800 purifier best to clean your home's air?
Clean indoor air is increasingly important as COVID-19 keeps Canadians inside. Popular air purifier brands are making a lot of promises about what they can do to keep your home safe, but a CBC Marketplace investigation found that a homemade DIY purifier can actually outperform some of the most well-known brands on the market.
University of Toronto engineering professor Jeffrey Siegel, a leading expert on ventilation, filtration and indoor air quality, calls it "a marketing jungle."
While you're here, how about this:
Irish Boxing Club sets up temporary facility inside Marketplace at Steamtown |
SCRANTON, Pa. — It's been a year of shutdowns, delays and cancellations for boxing promoter Doug Long. In December the City of Scranton closed Weston Field to slow the exposure of the COVID-19 virus. That forced the Irish Boxing Club to relocate. Two months later they have a new temporary home inside the Marketplace at Steamtown . For this non-profit organization that's been around for 35 years, it was a chance to go back to a place where they held boxing cards before.
Developers can now easily sell their tools on GitHub Marketplace | TechRadar
GitHub has announced that it has made new changes to GitHub Marketplace which will make it easier for developers to discover, share and even sell tools and solutions to help simplify and improve the process of building software.
First launched back in 2017, GitHub Marketplace is home to the world's largest DevOps ecosystem and developers can use it to finds all sorts of tools, integrations and apps to make their work easier.
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Up until now though, developers only received 75 percent of the revenue when their apps were sold in the marketplace. To help developers thrive and profit on its platform, GitHub has announced that it will increase the take-home pay for apps sold in the marketplace to 95 percent. This means that the company will now only keep a five percent transaction fee while developers will be able to keep the rest of the money made selling their tools.
What happens if some relief funds are not spent? - Marketplace
In the negotiations over the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that passed the Senate on party lines in the wee hours of the morning, some members said that it was too much money because some of the funds included in previous packages have not been spent yet.
For example, they pointed to money for schools still in the pipeline and funds for the Paycheck Protection Program that had not yet been allocated.
But, said Marc Goldwein, senior vice president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, “ there's a lot of money still in the pipeline .”
You heard that song on TikTok first, or was it Roblox? - Marketplace
Warner Music's quarterly financial results came out this week, showing record-breaking revenue of $1.33 billion.
The report provided interesting insights into the future of the music industry, especially in pandemic times. It also highlighted some less traditional platforms that could steal the show.
Warner reported that streaming revenue was up 17.5% in the last quarter. Streaming services like Spotify and iTunes are still major, but the jump was also spurred by the social media platform TikTok, which features short videos, often with music.
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