On March 17, InvestorPlace analyst Matt McCall will address the impact of the coronavirus on stocks… what lies ahead for the markets… and the #1 thing you should be doing with your money NOW.
Shopify (NASDAQ: SHOP ) has to be one of the more frustrating growth stocks out there. Valuation is through the roof and there are plenty of doubters. But before the coronavirus-induced selloff, Shopify stock was on fire, as the company continues to deliver on growth.
Other things to check out:
Stay home, Shopify tells its staff | Ottawa Citizen
Shopify has been preparing for a long time to let employees work from remote locations, and in the novel coronavirus era it is making the practice mandatory.
Starting March 16, the company wants employees to work from home to “help play a part in reducing the spread of the virus.”
As COVID-19 continues to impact people and countries around the world, Shopify will be going remote first starting March 16th. Working from home will help play a part in reducing the spread of the virus, and hopefully lessen its potentially huge burden on the healthcare system.
Shopify gave employees $1,000 to purchase equipment to work from home | The Saxon
Shopify transferred employees to work from home and was given $1000 to purchase equipment. Also allowed to take out of the office all necessary
E-Commerce platform Shopify have sent their employees to work remotely from home. For the arrangement of jobs the company provided to employees for $1,000. People are also allowed to take from the office the necessary equipment, according to liga.net.
Shopify cancels events at L.A. space for entrepreneurs amid coronavirus concerns | Times Colonist
And here's another article:
Capital Asset Advisory Services LLC Buys New Shares in Shopify Inc (NYSE:SHOP) - Redmond Register
Capital Asset Advisory Services LLC bought a new stake in Shopify Inc (NYSE:SHOP) (TSE:SHOP) during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund bought 910 shares of the software maker’s stock, valued at approximately $448,000.
A number of other hedge funds have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in SHOP. Pacifica Partners Inc. acquired a new position in shares of Shopify during the fourth quarter valued at about $29,000. Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC acquired a new position in shares of Shopify during the fourth quarter valued at about $34,000. PSI Advisors LLC acquired a new position in shares of Shopify during the fourth quarter valued at about $39,000.
Global iPad POS Software Market Perspective 2019-2024: Gofrugal Technologies, Shopify, Square,
The research report studies the Global iPad POS Software Market using different methodologies and analyzes to provide accurate and in-depth information about the market. For a clearer understanding, it is divided into several parts to cover different aspects of the market. Each area is then elaborated to help the reader comprehend the growth potential of each region and its contribution to the global market.
The report provides company market share analysis to give a broader overview of the key players in the market. In addition, the report also covers key strategic developments of the market including acquisitions & mergers, new service launches, agreements, partnerships, collaborations & joint ventures, research & development, and regional expansion of major participants involved in the market on a global and regional basis.
Jim Cramer on How the Coronavirus Is Pushing Society Into a New Virtual Reality - TheStreet
Warren Buffett announced that the annual Berkshire Hathaway meeting would be held without attendees due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
online Sellers: Small sellers find an online route to customers via tech platforms,
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